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Product prices may be subject to updates. Please check the final sale price before submitting the relevant order form. You can request any information from the supplier through our assistance service. Our contact details are indicated in the Contact area.

The Supplier guarantees the good quality of the materials used and in the assembly. During the warranty period, the Supplier undertakes to promptly carry out, at its own expense and at its own expense, all the operations necessary to disassemble, repair, refurbish those parts which are found to be defective due to poor quality of material or workmanship. Any obligation of the Supplier for normal wear, bad care, handling errors, overload, performance and stresses not falling within the limits specified in the user manual, recognized causes of force majeure, is excluded. The warranty period for the products will last 1 (one) year for B2B (Business To Business) contracts and 2 (two) years for B2C (Business To Consumer) contracts, unless otherwise specified at the time of purchase . These guarantees do not apply to products not directly supplied or to products covered by the manufacturer's direct guarantee. For consumers (B2C), i.e. those who purchase for purposes unrelated to their professional or business activity, the supplier will apply Legislative Decree 2 February 2002, n.24. - articles 1519-bis and following of the civil code - (two years from delivery under the conditions of the law); For other buyers (B2B), who usually purchase with a VAT number, the legal guarantees referred to in articles 1490 and following of the civil code will be valid (one year from delivery under the legal conditions).


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© 2023 by KOBO STUDIO

Marcoccia Distribuzione s.r.l.s, Via Carlo Mirabello, 25/A, 00195, Italia. C. F.:17042591002, P. IVA: 17042591002. Iscritta presso la Camera di Commercio di Roma.

Marcoccia Distribuzione s.r.l.s, Via Carlo Mirabello, 25/A, 00195, Italia. C. F.:17042591002, P. IVA: 17042591002.

Iscritta presso la Camera di Commercio di Roma.

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